Local Robotics Teams Sponsored

Mid Michigan College recently hosted several area high school robotics teams to tour the Technical Education Center on the Harrison Campus.

A local high school robotics team tours Mid's Harrison Campus Technical Education Center.

“The Clare, Farwell, and Gladwin teams have already taken part in the tours,” said Amy Lince, Director of Community Relations at Mid. “And we’re working with Beaverton, Harrison, and Mt. Pleasant to get their tours scheduled.”

Teams explored Mid’s Advanced Integrated Manufacturing; Facilities, Heating, Refrigeration, & Air Conditioning; Computer Aided Drafting & Design Technology; and 3D Printing labs.

Local teams also received sponsorships from the College to support their projects and competition entries throughout the school year.

“With the increasing demand for STEM careers, we wanted to make a positive impact by sponsoring our local robotics teams and supporting their goals,” explained Lince. “It was great to make these connections with the students and their coaches by hosting tours on campus and showcasing educational programs available here at Mid.”

Gladwin’s robotics team just completed its rookie year of competition and is looking forward to furthering a partnership with Mid as the team continues to grow.

Gladwin High School robotics team arrives at the Harrison Campus Technical Education Center.

“Our tour was filled with real-life applications of the very skills the students learn while building and coding our robot,” shared Kim Penix, Gladwin Robotics Non-Technical Mentor and proud Mid alumnus.

“Our team was thrilled to learn that businesses are looking for those skills and that continuing in machining, programming, and 3D printing could lead to fulfilling careers,” noted Cole Simpkins, Gladwin Robotics Lead Coach.

Gladwin Robotics ended their season qualifying for state-level competition—a great accomplishment!

“We’re so excited to be sponsoring these teams and helping local students pursue their goals,” said Lince. “The future is full of possibilities and we look forward to seeing what these students do next.”

High school robotics team submissions face off at competition.

For more information about community partnerships, contact Amy Lince at alince@midmich.edu or (989) 386-6601.