In an effort to ensure that students leave college with every credential they are entitled to, Mid Michigan College has entered into an exciting partnership with several Michigan universities. The process is called the reverse transfer process.

What is a Reverse Transfer?

reverse transfer is a process that allows students to increase their credentials by earning their associate degree while pursuing a bachelor degree from a university.

Why should I consider a Reverse Transfer?

A reverse transfer has many benefits including

  • An associate degree, should you have the ability to be a successful student;
  • An associate degree can aid in transferring to four-year universities;
  • An associate degree provides a valuable safety net should students encounter unexpected interruptions in their pursuit of a bachelor's degree;
  • Because the program is based on previously earned credit, students may be able to earn their associate degree with no additional cost or time commitment.

How can I be considered for a Reverse Transfer?

  1. Complete the Reverse Transfer Form.
  2. Mid Michigan College's Registration & Records team will evaluate your transcript(s), award your degree (if applicable), and mail your diploma. If there are remaining course requirements needed to complete your degree we will notify you via email with an outline of what is required.
  3. Done!

If you would like your transcript evaluated for reverse transfer credit email your transcript (s) to

Mid Mentors

Harrison Campus

  • Room 104

Mt. Pleasant Campus

  • CSS 142