Privacy Policy

In order to improve the instruction offered at Mid Michigan College and to meet the requirements of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act, Section 113 and the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Section 122, we will be using your Social Security Number in order to compile summary reports. In no event, will your personal information ever be released.

Section 113 of the Carl D. Perkins and Technical Education Act, 20 USC 2323, and section 122 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, 29 USC 2842, requires Mid Michigan College and the State of Michigan to assess the effectiveness of vocational and technical education programs aimed at training, placement and retention of students in employment. Although these laws require that performance reports be compiled base on wage record information, neither law requires students to give their social security numbers ("SSNs") to the College.

The College plans to use your SSNs in order to gain access to your individual wage record and compile required WIA and Perkins Act reports. These reports will assist the College to improve vocational and technical education programs. By improving programs, the College will be better able to serve both employers and employees. Your wage record information is confidentially maintained, based on your SSN, by the State of Michigan. Neither the College nor the State of Michigan will disclose your SSN or wage record data to any unauthorized person or entity unless legally permitted to do so. Any personally identifying wage record data will be destroyed by the College as soon as all required statistical analyses has been performed, or when the information is no longer needed, which ever date comes first.

You may choose to notify Mid Michigan College that you do not wish to have your Social Security Number used for the purposes described in this notice. To notify Mid of your intent, contact Kristin Simon, Registrar, at