Jurisdiction under the Title IX- Sexual Harassment policy pertains to situations when:

  • The alleged conduct occurred within Mid’s educational program or activities and defined as locations, events, or circumstances where Mid exercises substantial control over both the Respondent and the context in which the sexual harassment occurs; This may include off-campus buildings owned or controlled by the College
  • Mid has control over the Respondent at the time of the complaint
  • The alleged misconduct occurs against a Complainant who is in the United States
  • A Formal Complaint is filed and at the time of filing, the Complainant is participating in or attempting to participate in Mid’s education program or activity

And where the alleged conduct meets the definition of Sexual Harassment as outlined in the Policy. In instances where the alleged sexual harassment does not meet the above jurisdiction, the Title IX Coordinator shall dismiss the complaint under the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and may reinstate/reissue the grievance under another college’s Campus Non Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy or any other policy with governing jurisdiction.