Mid Michigan College recognizes that physical emergencies may occur which could warrant evacuation of its buildings. The College has developed procedures to facilitate such an event. For any Emergency Evacuation Plan to be successful, it must have the support of every member of the campus community and be tested regularly. As such, each member should become familiar with evacuation procedures and corresponding Emergency Modes that may be issues and participate in evacuation drills when administered.


  • Exit and Safety Identification: The College has identified and labeled all Fire Exits throughout its buildings.
  • Emergency Plan Maps: Classrooms, labs, and public areas have Emergency Plan Maps, posted.

Emergency Maps are available on the College’s website.



  • Upon confirmation that an incident has occurred that may necessitate the evacuation of Campus buildings, Campus Security and/or a member of the College’s Core Crisis Team will assess the situation and determine if complete or partial evacuation is warranted and what method of notification will be used to notify the campus community
  • Campus Security, Security Operations and Systems, or a member of the Core Crisis Team will communicate with appropriate local governmental agency support, as necessary, as the situation unfolds.
  • Depending on the severity of the situation, alarms may sound and/or verbal evacuation orders may be given through the phones and PA System.
  • Emergency Notification messages and subsequent updates will be compiled and issued to the campus community by Campus Security and/or the Core Crisis Team through a variety of mechanisms including but not limited to:
    • MidAlert! Mid’s Emergency Alert System which includes text messaging and automated voice call messages. (Students, faculty, staff and visitors must enroll)
    • E-mail to all active MidMail accounts
    • College website
    • Postings on College buildings
    • Public address system (PA/phones)
    • Local media
  • Campus Security, the Core Crisis Team, and Security Operations and Systems will assist in the evacuation process.
  • Campus Security and/or Security Operations and Systems will keep the Campus community apprised of the situation and any further needed measures, as they are relayed from the Core Crisis Team.


Please follow these guidelines

  • Any time an alarm or verbal Evacuation Order is issued, all students, faculty, staff and visitors MUST evacuate immediately.
  • All windows and doors must be closed as areas are evacuated.
  • Walk to the nearest evacuation exit.
  • Assist disabled persons or visitors in evacuating the building.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Assemble outside and at least 100 feet from the building. Use caution at all times and keep sidewalks and streets clear for emergency personnel.
  • Follow the directions of Campus Security, Core Crisis Team, and/or any responding governmental agency.
  • Do not return to the building until directed to do so by Campus Security, Security Operations and Systems, Core Crisis Team, and/or the responding governmental agency. Ceasing the alarm does not indicate that it is safe to re-enter the building.

(Updated JULY 2023)