As an organization, Mid is committed to providing our students and the community with accessible content. We’ve implemented policies and procedures that allow us to keep web accessibility at the forefront of everything we do online. Ultimately, all content goes through our standard accessibility checks for appropriate formatting and accessibility. Once content is approved, it is published to the live website following our normal approval process.

Any Mid staff member who creates online forms using JotForm, sends emails using Constant Contact or TargetX, edits website content, etc. must follow accessibility guidelines. We strongly recommend that staff members creating or distributing communications or content collaborate with Strategic Communications prior to doing so.

The College strives to post content in accessible formats. We avoid posting documents and ensure accessibility requirements are implemented to the best of our ability. If accessibility requirements demand too much time or resources, the accessibility statement will be posted along with the content and the content owner should have a plan in place to deliver the content in an alternative format within three business days should a barrier be reported.

Staff members who manage social media accounts on behalf of the College must also follow accessibility guidelines. Contact Strategic Communications for more information.