We're excited you'll be joining us at our Senior Focus Day! Explore careers, connect with colleges and local employers, and discover opportunities. This event is co-hosted by Mid Michigan College and Clare-Gladwin RESD CTE.

Event Details

Time, Date, & Location

8:45am - 11:30am Friday, September 13

Mid Michigan College | Harrison Campus

What Questions Should I Ask?

Ask questions like these to learn more about the different schools and organizations you meet at Senior Focus Day.

  • How did you start out in this industry?
  • What advice do you have for a student interested in this career?
  • What would be a reasonable salary range to expect in an entry-level position?
  • What is the long-term potential?
  • How do you see this field changing in the future?
  • What makes this program unique?
  • Where can I get more information on career opportunities within this field?

Event Map for 2024

Senior Focus Day 2024 map

Breakout Sessions (Lecture Hall | Room 261)

Join us for a quick breakout session at 9am, 10am, or 11am.

Presented by Lindsay Golden, Director of K-12 Operations, Mid Michigan College

Topic Description (Pending)

Vendors & Businesses Attending

  • Alloy Construction Service, Inc.
  • Bill’s Custom Fab, Inc.
  • Clare County Community Foundation
  • Clare-Gladwin RESD
  • Consumers Energy
  • Greater Midland Construction Academy
  • IBEW876 (electrical)
  • Merrill Institute (defense & space manufacturing)
  • MI Student Aid
  • MI Works Region 7B
  • Michigan State Police Mount Pleasant Post
  • Mid-Michigan Industries (MMI)
  • Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS)
  • MSU Extension / 4-H
  • Protégé Academy (cosmetology)
  • Saint Gobain (manufacturing)
  • StageRight
  • Star of the West Milling Co.
  • UA Local 85 (plumbers, steamfitters, HVAC)

 ... and many more!

Mid Programs & Pathways Attending

  • Accounting
  • Administrative Assistant Professional
  • Advanced Integrated Manufacturing
  • Agriculture Science
  • Automotive & Diesel Service 
  • Business Studies/Economics
  • Computer Aided Drafting & Design
  • Criminal Justice and Corrections
  • Digital Media
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Engineering Technology
  • Facilities, Heating, Refrigeration & AC
  • Hunting & Angling Studies
  • IT Infrastructure & Cybersecurity
  • Land Title Training Credential
  • Manufacturing/Machine Tool
  • Medical Assistant
  • Mid Michigan College Admissions
  • Mid Michigan College Financial Aid
  • Mid Michigan College Short-Term Training
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacy Technology
  • Physical Therapist Assistant
  • Radiography
  • Software Development
  • Visual Arts & Design
  • Welding

 ... and many more!

Technical Education Center Tours Available

Check out Mid's high-tech, hands-on Programs & Pathways by touring the Harrison Campus Technical Education Center!

  • Welding Lab
  • HRA Lab
  • CAD Lab (including 3D Printing Lab)
  • Advanced Manufacturing Lab
Harrison Campus

Chris Pellerito

Admissions Representative

(989) 386-6660
(989) 418-4578

Mt. Pleasant Campus

Ryan Donley

Admissions Representative

(989) 386-6628
(989) 444-5695